
Writing Essay Final Draft

Should People Get Married?

Though the age of the people who get married is rising these days, a number of people think that they want to get married. It seems that marriage has positive images because wedding party is so splendid and the bride and the groom seem so happy. However, marriage has not only positive points but also negative points to get married.
First, we need a vast of money to get married. According to the survey of  Zexsy, the Japanese popular magazine which informs wedding information, it stated that “In Japan, the national average of the money set aside for marriage is about a total of three million yen”(The survey, 2009). This shows that we can’t get married without setting aside enough money for it. Moreover, if we get children after getting married, we need the expense for bringing up them. It is difficult to live with other people if we don’t have some stable jobs.
      Another negative thing is that the time we can use freely will decrease. When people get married, their partner will always be in their home, so they might have to spend the free time with their partner much longer than before they get married. And people who got married also have a duty to bring up their children. Therefore, the time to spend with their family will gradually increase and they will hardly have time to enjoy own hobby or something.
In contrast, marriage can make people feel secure. According to National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, it said, “The top of the merit of  marriage is getting spiritual comfort. This account for about 35 percent of the population of both men and women.”  If you are a single man or woman, there is no person in your home after coming home and you will feel some loneliness. Marriage gives family members. People will feel secure and be able to live delightfully with family.
      In addition, marriage will also effect on job. Marriage means having some family members and a power to live with them and enough money to do it. Married people will get social credits. In general, many companies need the people who have ability to get along with other people, so married people will be able to get credit from their boss or they will get some new jobs.
Getting married can be both good and bad. It might be bad thing if people aren’t on their own in society because we need some money to get married.  In addition, the free time will be shorter than before getting married. On the contrary, married people get a delightful life because of their own beloved family. They also get a credit in their jobs and they will be able to live more enjoyable lives before getting married. Although there might be some negative things, we should get married.

Works cited
“The price of the expanse of marriage” Zexsy net. <http://zexy.net/mar/manual/kiso_souba/index.html>
“The choice of marriage” National Institute of Population and Social Security of Research

In the previous essay, I forgot to write the thesis statement, so this time I added it. I'm now happy because I've finished whole essay :) Tonight, I will be able to go to bed much earlier than last night. I'm so sleepy...

See you♪

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