
got over

Hello, friends;) I couldn't write blog recently because I had a bad cold. But I've get rid of my cold now!! Thogh I still have a stuffy nose, my cold is much better.

Last weekend, I had a lot of things to do in spite of my bad condition. One of them was the interview of new part time job. I was working at the cram school, but it didn't give me classes, so I decided to find another job.

I applied promotion girl of mobile phone:) The content of this job was advertizing new style mobile phones at cuatmers speaking through a microphone. I've admired that job for a long time because promotion girls often wear cute costumes and their smiles are so cute!! And I thought I could also improve my speaking ability, so I decided to challenge the interview, and I could pass it!!! I'm so happy to get a new job, which I wanted to do. The interviewer said that the most imortant thing for promotion girl is to smile at customers. I want to work hard keeping the words in my mind.

See you~:-)

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